We have all of your mushroom growing needs.
Oyster Kit Instructions PART 1
Part 1 - Unpacking
A tent is NOT NEEDED!
Please ignore.
YOU DO NOT NEED A TENT - IT IS NOT INCLUDED.Allow 3 weeks for the Blue & Yellow to fully colonize!!!
Please take your kit out of the box and place it in a room temperature area with room lighting until fully colonize.
After the BLUE OR YELLOW Oyster kits fully colonize wait 1 additional week before moving to Part 2.
Thank you!
Mushroom Man

Lion's Mane Mushroom Kit
Would you like to gift a Lion's Mane Kit or buy one for yourself?
The Lion's Mane Indoor Kit (Hericium erinaceus) are a family of edible fungi widely used for culinary and medicinal purposes. They owe their name to their appearance, as their white fruiting bodies grow as a single clump of long spines, resembling a lion's mane, and can be consumed dry, cooked or as tea.
Health Benefits: Helps prevent dementia and Alzheimer's disease. Mild relief from depression and anxiety. Improves cognitive health and mental clarity and is a immune boosting
It's been 2-3 weeks and we are ready to start growing!
If you have the Blue or Yellow Oyster Kit can take up to 10 days before it shows signs of growing.

Reishi Mushroom Kit
Grow beautiful and very beneficial Reishi Mushrooms!
If you are looking for a medicinal mushroom species to grow at home, Reishi mushrooms are a good choice.
Reishi is known for its medicinal properties and is relatively easy and intriguing to grow. It also produces beautiful fruiting bodies.
It's time to wake up the mushrooms!
Make sure the kit is placed on plastic lids, or something similar, so it is slightly elevated above the water line.
2-3 Days later...the mushrooms are showing themselves!
Blue Oyster Mushroom Kit
Huge 5lb Blue Oyster Kit!
Organic Ingredients: The Giant Blue Oyster Mushroom Kit (Pleurotus columbinus) can produce large cluster of mushrooms for many weeks! The mushrooms like to grow at the temperature of 60 - 75°F environment. Edible and choice mushroom that can be simply cooked with butter and onions. Blue oyster mushrooms definitely have a meaty or savory flavor, like many mushrooms. They’ve also got a slightly chewy texture that makes them feel a little similar to meat.

This mushrooms are growing.
Pink Oyster Mushroom Kit
Huge 5lb Pink Oyster Kit!
Organic Ingredients: The Giant Pink Oyster Mushroom Kit (Pleurotus djamor) can produce large cluster of mushrooms for many weeks! The mushrooms like to grow at the temperature of 70 - 78°F environment. Edible and choice mushroom that can be simply cooked with butter and onions. They develop a mild, woody flavor that readily takes on the flavors of accompanying ingredients WHILE others claim they have a distinctive meaty taste, reminiscent of bacon or ham.

And working to get a 2nd flush.