We have all of your mushroom growing needs.
Lion's Mane Video Instructions
Part 1 of 5 videos.
Please take your kit out of the box and place it in a room temperature with room lighting for the next 3 weeks.
Here is part 1 of 5 videos instructions. Scroll down as you progress through the growing process.
Thank you!
Mushroom Man
Part 2
Lion's Mane Instructions
After 3 weeks...time to see if it is ready.
Over the last 3 weeks your kit has been in room temp. and regular lighting (no direct sunlight). Is it ready?

Reishi Mushroom Kit
Grow beautiful and very beneficial Reishi Mushrooms!
If you are looking for a medicinal mushroom species to grow at home, Reishi mushrooms are a good choice.
Reishi is known for its medicinal properties and is relatively easy and intriguing to grow. It also produces beautiful fruiting bodies.
Part 3
Lion's Mane Instructions
Creating a Growing Environment.
Creating a perfect environment so your mushroom will show itself in a couple of weeks.

Pink Oyster Mushroom Kit
Huge 5lb Pink Oyster Kit!
Organic Ingredients: The Giant Pink Oyster Mushroom Kit (Pleurotus djamor) can produce large cluster of mushrooms for many weeks! The mushrooms like to grow at the temperature of 70 - 78°F environment. Edible and choice mushroom that can be simply cooked with butter and onions. They develop a mild, woody flavor that readily takes on the flavors of accompanying ingredients WHILE others claim they have a distinctive meaty taste, reminiscent of bacon or ham.
Part 4
Lion's Mane Instructions
Raising the humidity.
After the mushroom shows itself it is time to raise the humidity to enlarge the mushroom!
Part 5
Lion's Mane Kit Instructions
Is it time to harvest?
It's harvest time! Let's harvest and grow another and another mushroom!